Junkyard Dogs

Mike Ballard and a few skaters took a brief respite from the struggles of shooting skate photos in the streets to shoot a junkyard feature for the July 2001 issue of Skateboarder. Steve Berra and JB Gillet also got the cover and Contents page, respectively, with photos from the same session.

I don't skate. I'm just a kook. (by Dave Carnie)

Dave Carnie makes some thoughts about bullshit in media & advertising to accompany some skate photos shot by Jay Michelfelder, Jeff Landi, Jody Morris, Atiba and Rodent. Published in the September 2004 issue of The Skateboard Mag

In the Moment: Brian Gaberman photo feature

A Brian Gaberman photo feature from the August 2003 issue of Skateboarder. Lots of good photos in this one, but the Satva front crook at China Banks is my favorite. Fittingly, it's his first appearance on this blog.

Divulge: Adelmo Jr.

Adelmo's interview from the August 2003 issue of Skateboarder. Words by Alex Klein and photos by Shigeo. I scanned this issue mostly to get this interview up. I love the switch back tail on Sylmar photo.

Jerry Hsu - Get over it. Have a hot dog.

This enjoi ad is from a February 2011 issue of Transworld, published five months after Jerry's September 2010 Stay Gold meltdown ad, which I scanned from The Skateboard Mag & posted below as well. I believe Brian Gaberman photographed the Emerica ad.

Ben Raybourn - September 2010 interview

A short interview with Ben Raybourn, back when he was still on 1031, from the September 2010 issue of The Skateboard Mag. Words by Chris Nieratko and photos by Matt Price.

Mock Covers: A Photo Feature Full of Front-Pagers

The title pretty much says it all. Photographer credits are prominent on each page. Appears in the April 2004 issue of Skateboarder.