Billy Marks - January 2005 interview

In this interview, Billy talks about what it's like to have Jamie Thomas as a team manager, what it's like to skate for Toy Machine, and how a rail at the skatepark in Corona made him an overnight skate sensation. Words by Sean Christopher, and photos by Jon Humphries & Shigeo.

Creature of Habit: James Craig

This short article by Evan Schiefelbine offers a brief glimpse into James Craig's daily routine and what makes him tick (in 2005/2006, anyways - a few things have probably changed since then). Photos by Anthony Acosta.

The inward heelflip sequence also appears in a Blind ad on the back cover of this issue.

¡Viva Threat! Nike SB Northeast trip

Kevin Wilkins uses this January 2006 The Skateboard Mag article to briefly speak about the cyclical relationship between skateboarding culture and corporate branding. Even if I didn't always understand what he was trying to say, I always found Kevin's pieces in TSM  interesting to read.

Photos by Jon Humphries.

A Quik Hawaii Trip

Title says it all. Words and photos by Atiba. Arto also got the cover of the issue of The Skateboard Mag with a photo from this trip.

Shanghai Surprise: Vans trip to China

Below is the feature article for the October 2005 issue of Skateboarder, which was a documentation of a 2005 trip that the Vans team took to Shanghai. It features photos of Van Wastell, Dustin Dollin and Jon Goemann, amongst others. Dustin also got the cover of this issue with a switch crook popover on a popular rail. Words by Ohio Dave and photos by Brian Gaberman.

First One Down The Shaft: Cliche Rips One in Gran Canaria

This October 2005 Cliche tour article documents a trip that the team took to skate the colorful spots in the Gran Canaria. Words by Joey Brezinski and photos by Leo Sharp.

Olly Todd interview: October 2005

Short interview with Olly Todd from Skateboarder, published shortly after he had turned pro for Stereo Skateboards. Words by Alex Klein and photos by Dominic Marley.

New Jack: Sean Malto

When this interview was published in the May 2007 issue of The Skateboard Mag, Mike Carroll was 32 and Rick Howard was 35. Sean Malto was 17.

I'm posting this on August 21, 2023, In about three weeks, Sean Malto will turn 34, which means that despite looking eternally young, he is the same age or older than Rick & Mike were when they put him on Girl. That's crazy to think about.

Anyways, below is his New Jack interview, published back when he wasn't a household name and one of the longest-tenured riders on the Girl Skateboards team. Words by Mike Munzenrider. Photos by Sam McGuire and Anthony Acosta.

Waiting For The Sun - Matt Price photo feature

It's not common to see skateboarding photos with a sunrise in the sky. All of these were taken between 5:00 and 6:00am during the summer in Arizona, when the sun is rising and it's not unbearably hot out.

Trippin': St. Louis City Museum

Sometime in late 2009 (I'm guessing), Randy Ploesser, Mike Munzenrider and Sam McGuire put together an unlikely week and a half of sanctioned skate sessions at Bob Cassilly's City Museum in St. Louis, Missouri. These sessions were displayed as a Trippin' article in the February 2010 issue of The Skateboard Mag (posted below), as well as a video on the magazine's website (which I think is this). This is a really cool article - props to everyone involved who made it happen! Words by Randy and photos by Sam.