Matix Ams Going Green

A December 2007 The Skateboard Mag article featuring the Matix Clothing ams at the time. Words by Tony Evjenth and photos by Matt Price.

Bass Master: Element in SLC & Denver

This June 2007 Skateboarder 16-page feature covers a last-minute filming trip some of the Element team took to Salt Lake City and then Denver while filming for This Is My Element. The article includes a couple of photos of Dallas Rockvam, who wouldn't be on the team by the time the video premiered (but would still have a clip in it). Words by Ryan Dewitt and photos by Brian Gaberman.

Static on the Tube

This article covers a trip that Ben Colen took to London to stay with Josh Stewart, who was temporarily headquartered in the city while hard at work on Static III. Words and photos by Ben, captions by Josh.

Matt Mumford - June 2007 interview

Below is a brief interview Matt Mumford did with Skateboarder for their June 2007 issue. Words by Adam Salo and photos by Shigeo, Andrew Mapstone, and Steve Gourlay. I remember seeing this issue for the first time at the public library sometime in 2007 and being awestruck by the wallride shove out sequence - it was the first time I'd seen anything like that.

100 Texas Titles

What started as a trip to Houston, Texas to shoot photos of Guru Khalsa turned into a full-blown trip around the state for Giovanni Reda. He ended up being joined by Todd Jordan, Mikey Taylor, Jeremy Holmes and an up-and-comer named Alvin "Trace" Saylor (never heard of him before or since). Jake Nunn also joined the crew for a day and got a photo in the article.

All words and photos by Reda. Article appears in the August 2007 issue of Skateboarder.

The Rat Pack: Back to Da Boot

This article covers Giovanni Reda's fifth annual skate trip to Italy and appeared in the February 2007 issue of Skateboarder. For this one, he brought along filmer Federico Vitetta, Danny Montoya, Guy Mariano, Jesus Fernandez, and Mikey Taylor. Words and photos by Reda.

Escape to New York

This is a brief feature that Ben Colen put together for the January 2007 issue of Skateboarder. He met up with Scott Johnston, Alex Olson and Jason Dill to shoot photos and ask what makes New York such a special place for them.

How It Went Down: The China Banks

This article was written by Adam Salo for the January 2007 issue of Skateboarder. Thrasher did a much more comprehensive story on this spot in 2022, but it's still cool to read this article now to see how people perceived and talked about the spot in 2006/2007.

During my trip to San Francisco last year, my wife and I were able to make a quick stop at the Banks, and I snapped a bunch of pictures. I didn't bring my board, but I probably would have struggled just to do a small backside carve. Anything that's been done there is remarkable!

Some photos from my visit:

The Joe Valdez ollie spot:

Heck of a view!

'Go back to Wyoming' - January 2007 Zoo York Europe Tour article

This article, written by Seamus Deegan and photographed by Sean Cronan, covers a three-week trip through Europe that the Zoo York team took sometime in 2006. The trip included stops in England, Italy, Germany, France and Spain. There's a photo of Matt Miller doing a back tail on a colorful Paris spot, which Cairo Foster had back tailed for the front of the November/December 2001 issue of Skateboarder.