Two 2003 AVE tricks on AVE's bench

Here are two AVE sequences I found in two different 2003 issues of SLAP, taken from the same exact angle on the same spot. The switch back nosegrind revert is from February 2003, and the switch front crook fakie flip out is from the October 2003 issue. Both sequences were taken by Lance Dawes.

Catalog Shoots Are Cool: C1rca in Denver & elsewhere

This article appears in the April 2007 issue of The Skateboard Mag and was supposed to just cover a C1rca catalog shoot trip to Colorado, but bas weather, injuries and other circumstances prevented that, so their are some additional photos included to help fill out the article. All photos were taken by either Dave Swift or David Broach.

Emmanuel Guzman interview - March 2006 TSM

In this interview, E-Man talks about who his favorite Santa Cruz rider is, whether or not he's in the Tiltmode Army, and what the skate scene in Mexico is like. Words by Paul Zitzer, portrait by Jai Tanju, and all other photos by Rodent.

Anthony Pappalardo photo profile by Bill Strobeck

Put together by Bill Strobeck for the March 2006 issue of The Skateboard Mag, this 8-page article gives a brief view into the personality and skating of Anthony Pappalardo. Alex Olson also makes a couple of appearances.

New Jack: Brandon Westgate

Brandon's New Jack interview appears in the March 2006 issue of The Skateboard Mag. Words by Paul Zitzer and photos by Brian Uyeda.

Switch flip photo by Atiba

Welcome to YOLOstone, Mofokas: Volcom trip through Big Sky Country

With the deadline for Volcom's True To This full-length looming near, team riders Grant Taylor, Raven Tershy, David Gonzalez, and Collin Provost hopped into a van with Jaime Owens and Remy Stratton (and probably a few others) to hit as many parks in Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana in a 10-day period. Below is the result of the trip: a cover, Intro write-up, and 14-page article stuffed with photos. Aside from the cover (shot by Remy), Jaime is credited for all of the words and photos.

Fun fact about this trip from Jaime Owens: "Skateboarder got shut down the day I was leaving for the trip. I said fuck it. I’m still going and knew it would go in TransWorld even if I hadn’t worked there."

When In Rome... October 2002 Italy tour article

Aaron Meza (words), Giovanni Reda (photos) and a small (mostly) Italian crew of skaters toured through Rome sometime in 2002 and made an article out of it for the October 2002 issue of Skateboarder. That sequence of Gino's nollie back heel is perfect, great job Reda!

Divulge: Reese Forbes

This appears in the October 2002 issue of Skateboarder. Words by Alex Klein and skate photos by Dennis McGrath (Gaberman shot the portrait). The backside flip sequence at 3rd & Army is incredible.

Girl & Chocolate Euro Blitz tour - September/October 2000

This article (written by Aaron Meza and photographed by Mike O'Meally) documents a three-week tour through Europe with some of the Girl & Chocolate team members of the time. There's a bonus sequence of Koston from the tour that appears in the Contents section, which I included in here as well.

Divulge: Jason Dill

That switch nosegrind is one of my favorite photos of Dill. Words by Aaron Meza and photos by Mike O'Meally.

2002 Antihero train trip across the US

In his signature handwritten style and with some point-and-shoot photos (skate photos by Gabe Morford), Julien Stranger gives an overview of an Antihero trip through the US that included himself, Frank Gerwer, Peter Hewitt, Tim Upson and a very young Tony Trujillo. There's a great ollie photo of Julien in this, and Tony's frontside roll-in on the sea wall will always be awesome (he did it again for the January 2004 Thrasher KOTR cover).