Andrew Reynolds - nollie noseslide Cyclops Rail

The sequence of Andrew Reynolds's nollie noseslide on the Cyclops Rail in Atlanta, Georgia. Sequence shot by Brian Gaberman. This was published in the front of the October 2010 issue of Skateboarder, which also had a Stay Gold feature and a full Spanky interview. It's crazy to see how long Reynolds is in the air between the nollie and the noseslide. You can see the clip here or here

The Rise Above Rainfall: Portland

This article was written by Scott Koernor and is about the skater-friendly city of Portland, Oregon, featuring photos of some notable locals of that time (photos by Bryce Kanights and Garric Ray). Published in the May 2010 issue of Skateboarder.

Andre Genovesi interview - August 2005

An interview with Andre Genovesi for the August 2005 issue of Skateboarder, A little over two years later, he would be on the cover of the magazine. Words by Alex Klein and photos by Joe Krolick.

Bobby Worrest interview - April 2005

A short interview with Bobby Worrest for the April 2005 issue of Skateboarder. Words by Alex Klein and photos by Jonathan Mehring.

Unbroken: The John Cardiel interview

This two-page interview from the April 2005 issue of Skateboarder came out roughly a year after John's injury that left him temporarily paralyzed. He explains the aftermath of the accident and his unlikely road to recovery. His story is eternally inspirational! Words by Alex Klein and photos by Gabe Morford. Here's a direct link to the February 2005 Antihero ad announcing his recovery - forever the best Antihero ad.

Optical Delusions

This is an interesting photo feature by Shad Lambert - for each photo, he tells a story related to the session when the photo was taken, or a brief story about the skater in the photograph. It includes a back story to Ragdoll's wallride in Slaughterhouse, although the photo in this doesn't appear to be the same as the make on video.

JB Gillet interview - March 2005

This Skateboarder interview came out shortly after JB got on Cliche and Lakai. Words by Alex Klein and photos by Oliver Chassignole.

Zered Going Home - March 2005 interview

Zered Bassett and Ben Colen visited Dr. Z's hometown of Cape Cod, Massachusetts to get photos for his feature interview in the March 2005 issue of Skateboarder, which was published shortly after he had turned pro for the revamped Zoo York team. He talks about growing up playing hockey, dealing with the harsh winters and skating in the city - he even got tricks at spots he'd only dreamed of skating when he was younger. Great interview concept of an even greater skater. Words by Brian Peech.

Meet the Gerwers

Frank talks to Alex Klein about what it was like to grow up Gerwer for the December 2004 issue of Skateboarder. Photos by Gabe Morford. Happy 50th, Frank!

Curtain Call: Pat Burke

The Curtain Call article for Pat Burke's legendary Radio Television part from 2009. Crazy to think that this video came out 15 years ago. Hyperlinks to the clips he talks about are below the scan. The photo sequence was shot by J-Hon.

Filthy Forever

This 8-page article from the May 2010 issue of The Skateboard Mag documents a trip Shad Lambert took to Australia with some of the Supra team. The photo of Antwuan's switch frontside flip is incredible.

The Captain Is Plastered

This 8-page article from the February 2004 issue of Skateboarder documents an 11-day RV trip the Kr3w team (and Dustin Dollin) took from LA to Denver sometime in 2003. Intro written by Erik Ellington and photos by Shigeo.

Jon Allie - Fallen ad

Before becoming a part of the C1rca squad, Jon Allie had a brief stint on Fallen, appearing in the third-ever ad for the company, posted below. I scanned it from the February 2004 issue of Skateboarder. By the December 2004 issue, he was announced in the Squawk Box section as the newest pro on C1rca. No photo credit given for this Fallen ad, but possibly Shigeo? The tailslide clip appeared at the end of Jon's New Blood part.

PJ Ladd - February 2004 interview

PJ Ladd's interview from the February 2004 issue of Skateboarder. Words by Aaron Meza and photos by Brian Gaberman and Atiba Jefferson.