A brief statement about some of the problematic content used in past skateboarding magazines

The cool part of going through all of these old magazines is seeing the growth and evolution of skateboarding and skaters. The not-so-cool part is seeing how common homophobic, sexist & other offensive language was in the recent past and how casually it was used. Media as a whole from the same era is just as guilty of this, it isn't solely skateboarding. I've said homophobic and sexist things in the past as well, thinking it was innocuous humor and "all in good fun", but it wasn't and isn't.

As I continue to post from past magazines, it's important to me that I acknowledge this aspect of skate culture while I highlight the awesome parts of it. I don't want to bum people out, but I also don't want to look at the past through rose-colored glasses. I'm not here to "gotcha" anybody, but I also want to be clear that I have no intention of glorifying that stuff. If you don't agree with me or think I could be doing this more effectively, I'm open to any feedback you may have.

Alright, back to the sweet, sweet scans.

-Skate Media Nerd

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