Krooked in Japan - April 2003

This article, written and photographed by Gabe Morford for the April 2003 issue of Skateboarder, covers the first official Krooked Skateboards trip. Mark Gonzales and Dan Drehobl, the only two official team members at the time, brought along some friends with them for the eight-day stay in the winter of 2002. The full list of people who accompanied them was Brad Staba, Van Wastell, Donny Barley, Bobby Puleo, Keith Hufnagel, Bobby Worrest, Pat Duffy, Matt Field, Tommy Guerrero, Mic-E Reyes, Dan Vellucci and Morf, but only some of them got photos in the article.

Gonz in the Contents section with a photo from the trip.

Enjoi tour to Costa Rica and Panama - 2001

This short feature, published in the September 2001 issue of Skateboarder, covers a trip the enjoi team took to Costa Rica and Panama in April 2001. They didn't bring a skate photographer with them (unheard of nowadays), so the only photos are the ones that the skaters took. Intro by Marc Johnson.

Down Under (the influence of) Australia

An article featuring many Globe Shoes riders of the time getting tricks at Australian spots, while Brian Peech investigates why the country is such an appealing place for skateboarders. Photos by Jaya Bonderov. This appeared in the August 2005 issue of Skateboarder, with Alex Chalmers on the front with a trick he got on the same trip.

Spike Jonze's 9 Most Memorable Moments While Filming Video Days

Below are Spike Jonze's nine most memorable moments while filming for Video Days, as told to Aaron Meza. This was published in the January 2003 issue of Skateboarder

For anybody keeping count, this is my 600th post on this blog. Never thought I'd get this far, and no plans of stopping anytime soon - there's still a lot more I want to scan and post. I appreciate all of the feedback and encouragement I have received from all of you - this has been a nice opportunity for me to feel like I am contributing to skateboarding culture in a small way. Thank you! -SMN

Just Another Psycho Nightmare, or Toy Machine in Tokyo

This is a brief article from the July 2001 issue of Skateboarder covering a Toy Machine trip to Tokyo. Of the four skate photos, three of them are Ed (the fourth one is Brad Staba). Words by Ed and photos by Mike O'Meally.

Luxury Living on Minimum Wage

This is a feature from the November 2004 issue of Skateboarder about a trip Ben Colen took with Rob Pluhowski, Anthony Pappalardo and Jack Sabback to Buffalo, NY and Toronto. Words and photos by Ben.

Stefan Janoski interview - January 2003

This is Stefan's interview from the January 2003 List Issue of Skateboarder, which he was also on the cover of. Words by Alex Klein. In the last question, Stefan answers that he wants to become rich before he's done skating. Six years later, he would get that wish when his Nike shoe was released. Photos by Oliver Barton and Mike O'Meally.

Love Fades: 8 Biggest Company Coups of All-Time

This was written by Mackenzie Eisenhour for the January 2003 issue of Skateboarder. What would be included in this if it was updated for 2024? AVE & Dill leaving AWS and starting FA? Brian Anderson and Alex Olson leaving Girl? The 917 team leaving to create Limosine?

You've Got Mail! Enjoi Male Models Save on Stamps

This article from the December 2007 issue of The Skateboard Mag covers an enjoi trip to Barcelona, documented through postcards written by Matt Eversole. Photos by Jeff Landi.

Hawaiian Thanksgiving (with a serving of Red Bull)

This article covers a 10-day trip trip the Red Bull team took to Maui and Ohau in November 2007 written by Chris Nieratko and photographed by Ben Colen. It includes a bit of a tasteless photo of Nieratko costumed as "Hitler On Vacation", but otherwise it's a nice feature with lots of well-taken skate photography.

Pete Eldridge interview - June 2008

A brief interview with Pete from the June 2008 issue of The Skateboard Mag. Words by Mike Munzenrider and photos by Shigeo and Ryan Gee.